Visiting us

We are open to visitors on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11am to 2pm.

Every year, hundreds of people visit Salford Lads Club.

We’re a major tourist attraction: from fans of The Smiths and the Manchester music scene, to culture lovers and heritage hunters – all head to the real Coronation Street to see our Grade 2 Edwardian building. Visitors also come to trace their family history or to see our community space in action. 

If you wish to visit outside of our usual open days, please email:

Here’s how to find us:

We’re in Ordsall, one mile from the centre of Manchester going towards the M602 on the A57 (Regent Road). Look out for the brown heritage signs.

Our address is:
Coronation Street
M5 3SA

By public transport:
Catch a 33 bus from Manchester, getting off at the stop after Sainsburys on Regent Road. Get more directions via the TfGM journey planner

By foot:
The club can be reached by foot from Manchester city centre it’s around a 20 to 25 minute walk. We recommend using Google Maps to plot your route.

By bicycle:
There are several bike stands situated near the club and we have a small amount of room to store bikes inside.

By car:
If you are driving, use Coronation Street to locate us. Please note there is limited on-street parking.

If you get lost, give us a ring: 0161 872 3767

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